struct phy_heap { void **table;/* table[0] is the size of the table. */ unsigned long length; void *(*alloc)(unsigned int); void (*free)(void *); int (*compare)(void *,void*); }; #define PHY_IS_ROOT(i) ((i)==1) #define PHY_LCHILD(i) (2*(i)) #define PHY_RCHILD(i) (2*(i)+1) #define PHY_PARENT(c) ((c)/2) #define PHY_HAS_LCHILD(i,len) (PHY_LCHILD(i)<=len) #define PHY_HAS_RCHILD(i,len) (PHY_RCHILD(i)<=len) #define PHY_CAPACITY(_heap) ((unsigned long)_heap->table[0]) #define PHY_SWAP(p1,p2) ({void *tmp=(p1);(p1)=(p2);(p2)=tmp;}) struct phy_heap *phy_heap_init(unsigned long capacity, void *(*_alloc)(unsigned int), void (*_free)(void *), int (*_compare)(void *, void *)){ struct phy_heap *heap = _alloc(sizeof(struct phy_heap)); if(!heap){ goto out1; } heap->table = _alloc(capacity*sizeof(void*)); if(!heap->table){ goto out2; } heap->length = 0; heap->alloc = _alloc; heap->free = _free; heap->compare = _compare; heap->table[0] = (void *)capacity; return heap; out2: _free(heap); out1: return (void*)0; } void phy_heap_destroy(struct phy_heap *heap){ heap->free(heap->table); heap->free(heap); } static void filterup(struct phy_heap *heap,unsigned int cur){ unsigned int parent = PHY_PARENT(cur); while(!PHY_IS_ROOT(cur) && heap->compare(heap->table[cur],heap->table[parent])<0){ PHY_SWAP(heap->table[cur],heap->table[parent]); cur = parent; parent = PHY_PARENT(cur); } } static void filterdown(struct phy_heap *heap,unsigned int cur){ while(PHY_HAS_LCHILD(cur,heap->length)){ unsigned int l = PHY_LCHILD(cur); if(PHY_HAS_RCHILD(cur,heap->length)){ /* heap has two children */ unsigned int r = PHY_RCHILD(cur); unsigned int min_child = heap->compare(heap->table[l], heap->table[r])<0 ? l : r; if(heap->compare(heap->table[cur],heap->table[min_child])<=0){ break; } PHY_SWAP(heap->table[cur],heap->table[min_child]); cur = min_child; continue; } /* here, the cur node has only one left child */ if(heap->compare(heap->table[cur],heap->table[l])<=0){ break; } PHY_SWAP(heap->table[cur],heap->table[l]); cur = l; } } int phy_heap_add(struct phy_heap *heap,void *item){ if(!heap){ /* invalid point */ return -1; } if(heap->length+2 >= PHY_CAPACITY(heap)){ /* no room */ return -2; } heap->table[++heap->length] = item; filterup(heap,heap->length); return 0; } int phy_heap_adds(struct phy_heap *heap,void **items, unsigned int size){ unsigned int i=0; if(!heap){ /* invalid point */ return -1; } if(heap->length+size >= PHY_CAPACITY(heap)-1){ /* no room */ return -2; } while(i<size){ heap->table[++heap->length]=items[i++]; filterup(heap,heap->length); } return 0; } void *phy_heap_del(struct phy_heap *heap){ void *val; if(!heap || heap->length<1){ return (void *)0; } val = heap->table[1]; heap->table[1] = heap->table[heap->length--]; filterdown(heap,1); return val; }
/** for some variable base64 code, just change the correspond macro. */ #define BASE64_62 '+' #define BASE64_63 '/' #define BASE64_PAD_CHAR '=' #define BASE64_PADDING_CODE 64 #define BASE64_INVALID_CODE 128 /** ERRORS: */ #define EB64_BAD_ARG 1 #define EB64_BAD_CODE 2 const static unsigned char base64[] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H', 'I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X', 'Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f', 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n', 'o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v', 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3', '4','5','6','7','8','9',BASE64_62,BASE64_63, }; #ifdef __GNUC__ unsigned char inline get_base64_index(unsigned char c){ switch(c){ case 'A'...'Z' : return c-'A'; case 'a'...'z' : return c-'a'+26; case '0'...'9' : return c-'0'+52; case BASE64_62 : return 62; case BASE64_63 : return 63; case BASE64_PAD_CHAR : return BASE64_PADDING_CODE; } return BASE64_INVALID_CODE; } #else unsigned char inline get_base64_index(unsigned char c){ if(c>='A' && c<='Z'){ return c-'A'; } if(c>='a' && c<='z'){ return c-'a'+26; } if(c>='0' && c<='9'){ return c-'0'+52; } if(c==BASE64_62){ return 62; } if(c==BASE64_63){ return 63; } if(c==BASE64_PAD_CHAR){ return BASE64_PADDING_CODE; } return BASE64_INVALID_CODE; } #endif int encode_base64(unsigned char *dst, unsigned long dlen, unsigned char *src, unsigned long slen){ unsigned long z = (slen-1)/3 + 1; unsigned long i,j; if(!dst || !src || !slen || z * 4 > dlen){ return -EB64_BAD_ARG; } z = (slen/3)*3; for(i=0,j=0; j<z; j=j+3){ dst[i++] = base64[src[j]>>2]; dst[i++] = base64[((src[j]<<4)&0x3f)|(src[j+1]>>4)]; dst[i++] = base64[((src[j+1]<<2)&0x3f)|(src[j+2]>>6)]; dst[i++] = base64[src[j+2]&0x3f]; } z = slen % 3; if(!z){ return i; } // z=1 or z=2 dst[i++] = base64[src[j]>>2]; dst[i++] = (z==1 ? base64[((src[j]<<4)&0x3f)] : base64[((src[j]<<4)&0x3f)|(src[j+1]>>4)]); dst[i++] = (unsigned char)(z==2 ? base64[((src[j+1]<<2)&0x3f)] : BASE64_PAD_CHAR); /* the last char must be padding, i.e. z always less than or equal to 2. */ //dst[i++] = (unsigned char)(z>2 ? base64[src[j+2]&0x3f] : BASE64_PAD_CHAR); dst[i++] = (unsigned char)BASE64_PAD_CHAR; return i; } int decode_base64(unsigned char *dst, unsigned long dlen, unsigned char *src, unsigned long slen){ unsigned long z = slen/4; unsigned long len = z*3; unsigned int i,j=0,k=0; unsigned char b1,b2,b3,b4; if(!dst || !src || slen%4 || dlen<len){ /* invalid argument */ return -EB64_BAD_ARG; } if(src[slen-1]==BASE64_PAD_CHAR){ z=z-1; } for(i=0;i<z;i++){ b1=get_base64_index(src[j++]); b2=get_base64_index(src[j++]); b3=get_base64_index(src[j++]); b4=get_base64_index(src[j++]); if((b1 | b2 | b3 | b4)>=BASE64_PADDING_CODE){ /* invalid code */ return -EB64_BAD_CODE; } dst[k++] = (b1<<2)|(b2>>4); dst[k++] = (b2<<4)|(b3>>2); dst[k++] = ((b3<<6)&0xc0)|b4; } if(src[len-1]!=BASE64_PAD_CHAR){ return k; } b1=get_base64_index(src[j++]); b2=get_base64_index(src[j++]); b3=get_base64_index(src[j++]); b4=get_base64_index(src[j++]); /* check the last four characters: the first two character must be normal code; the third character can be either normal code or padding code, i.e. not invalid code; and the last character must be padding code, because the last source character indicate it. */ if((b1 | b2)>=BASE64_PADDING_CODE || b3==BASE64_INVALID_CODE || b4!=BASE64_PADDING_CODE){ /* invalid code */ return -EB64_BAD_CODE; } /* there at least exist one code. */ dst[k++] = (b1<<2)|(b2>>4); if(b3 != BASE64_PADDING_CODE){ /* only one BASE64_PAD_CHAR */ dst[k++] = (b2<<4)|(b3>>2); } return k; }
#ifndef _PHY_DEBUG_H #define _PHY_DEBUG_H #if defined(PHY_DEBUG) #if defined(__KERNEL__) #include <linux/kernel.h> #define phy_debug_print(a1,...) printk(KERN_ALERT a1,##__VA_ARGS__) #define PHY_ASSERT_BUGON(exp) ({if(!(exp)){\ phy_debug_print("error: line %d, file %s assertion failed\n",\ __LINE__,__FILE__);return -1;}}) #else /* user space, e.g. printf... */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define phy_debug_print(a1,...) printf(a1,##__VA_ARGS__) #define PHY_ASSERT_BUGON(exp) ({if(!(exp)){\ phy_debug_print("error: line %d, file %s assertion failed\n",\ __LINE__,__FILE__);\ exit(1);}}) #endif /* end __KERNEL__ */ #else /* not defined PHY_DEBUG, e.g. in userspace */ #define phy_debug_print(a1,...) #define PHY_ASSERT_BUGON(exp) #endif /* PHY_DEBUG */ #endif /* _PHY_DEBUG_H */